Jul 5, 2014

NewsLetter from NewsBharati

06 July 2014

News of the Day
Desperate Congress plays divisive quota politics in Maharashtra

Disturbed by the poor performance in the Lok Sabha elections in Maharashtra, the Congress-NCP government has played a divisive and dangerous reservation card in its desperate bid to improve its showing in the ensuing Assembly elections later this year by announcing 4.5 per cent quota for Muslims and another 12 per cent quota from amongst the OBCs for the Marathas.

NewsBharati analyzes the legal as well political implications and the reaction of various concerned groups. Surprisingly,a large number of Muslims see this as a political gimmick than a serious intention.

Highlight of the Week
Foreign funding and Hindu nationalists

South Asia citizen�s web has published a report �Hindu Nationalism in the United States: A Report on Nonprofit Groups�. It is the same group which published the report �The foreign exchange of hate: IDRF and the American funding of Hindutva� in 2002. But there is a big difference in 2002 and 2014. In last few years, a vast data has become available about foreign funding of Christian and Muslim organizations as well as the so-called secular crusaders organizations including the SABRANG of Teesta Setalvad, the co-author of the 2002 report.

As a consequence, the latest report of SACW actually helps to highlight that the Hindu nationalist organizations receive very negligible foreign funding as compared to Christian or Muslim or Secular NGOs and their utilization of that funding is much better and justified.

NewsBharati Focus
Ailing education & failing economy: Steps to remedy

My purpose here is to talk mainly of the economic man whose society and culture influence his actions. What kind of education prepares him adequately for the economic tasks? By �economic tasks� I mean those that are required to be performed in the globalized market place for the sake of conventional success.

(The author is Professor, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad. Before retirement he was Professor and Head, Aerospace Engineering Department, I. I. T. Kanpur. Email: kunal@iitk.ac.in)

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