| News of the Day | | Why Media debates on �banning field trials of GM crop� went haywire? The media debates on demands by organizations opposing �field trials� of GM crops have not only made the issue political but lost a needed discourse on the topic which encircles concerns related to bio technology, health and environment. Majority media houses projected the issue as a rift between the so-called �Sangh Parivar� and its pressure tactic on the Government. Media totally ignored actual well thought out stands of these organizations, and willfully bypassed the clear stand of BJP mentioned in its poll manifesto. | Highlight of the Week | | We all Palestinians-shouted thousands in London The Hamas Israel conflict is attracting the newsrooms across the globe. But the lesser focused fact; particularly by the Indian media is the echos of these conflicts across Europe and U.K. In last week, thousands gathered in London to protest against Israel as well as the U.K. government. Protesters shouted slogans, �From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free�; �One to three four, occupation no more, five six seven eight Israel is a terrorists state�; �In a thousand in a million we are all Palestinians�; �Shame on Cameroon, �Gaza, Gaza don�t you cry we will not let you die�. The �Urdu media Watch� section of NewsBharati always covers such ignored news items. | NewsBharati Focus | | Thank You Media: Flurrying debates actually helping Modi Govt The debate raised by electronic media about �Hindu rashtra� should be a welcome deviation for the government. The same media was totally silent when Arun Shourie, as on numerous previous occasions, showed �How history was made up at Nalanda�, by leftist historians who are not ashamed of lies and half truths. But in the same Indian Express, when Ritu Sharma raised a trivial issue of a circular of Gujarat government recommending some books to schools which includes Dinanath Batra�s books, the entire electronic media went berserk as if the whole education system of India has collapsed. | | | |
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