A possible roadmap for Smart National Intelligence set Up With rising terror strikes, India needs smart Intelligence services. But it is observed that the Intel agencies like Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), CBI, IB and NIA many times have been used as political pawn. Their findings and research doesn�t go hand in hand when they are needed to be cooperative and inclusive. Indian soils become soft target of terror activities as it lacks a robust setup of intelligence inputs about the undercurrents of terror network.
In his article, Col. Patwardhan elaborates the need of a smart and sound intelligence setup which is an important angle of the national security. �Continuous terrorist attacks on India and the internal turmoil of our region are no isolated event. It touches every aspect of our national life and is a direct attack on our sovereignty,� Says Col. Patwardhan. He expresses the need for a rethink on India�s strategy in fighting multiple threats of insurgency, terrorism, and Islamic Halifax.
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